About Linda Stevens


Linda Stevens grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. After training in the healing arts, she began her career as a bodyworker over 40 years ago.

Later, moving to the UK, she furthered her work and studies with cranial osteopaths. During that time, she also studied international dance in London and trained as a dance instructor, teaching children and adults.

After her third child was born, she trained as a Waldorf preschool teacher and went on to work at Inwoods School, a small Krishnamurti school in the UK, which combined Montessori, Waldorf, and Reg Emilia techniques. The more Linda worked with children, the more she wanted to be able to facilitate their development on a deeper level.

When her youngest child was having challenges at school, Linda brought him to a Neurodevelopmental Therapist, Robert Allen. After seeing amazing results in her own child, she sought to train with him in the field herself. In 2006, Linda finished her apprenticeship training with Robert Allen and was certified in Windsor, England. He is now one of the leading experts in Europe in Neurodevelopmental Therapy. Linda is the only person in the USA who has trained with him. To see a short documentary about Robert Allen’s work, watch “Attention Please” on Amazon.com.

Linda has continued to further her studies in Early Childhood Education and learning new techniques such as Rhythmic Movement and Havening Touch.

Linda shares her practice and knowledge worldwide, from California to Bali. She teaches meditation, lectures/workshops, and has an international private practice in Neurodevelopmental Therapy* with children and adults.

*Note: Neurodevelopmental Therapy has a different meaning and training in the UK than in the USA.

Disclaimer: NDT is a non-medical apprenticeship in the UK. It is not a medical licensed therapy. Although there has been some positive research, it has not been scientifically proven by Western medicine in the US.

I do not claim to treat any of the developmental symptoms mentioned in this website. The work I do is considered as an alternative therapy or compliment to Western medicine.